
About Letshego Botswana
Letshego Financial Services Botswana (Letshego Botswana) opened its doors in 1998 in Gaborone, Botswana. As a subsidiary of the Letshego Group, Letshego Botswana has steadily grown into a leading financial services provider. The company contributes approximately 40% to Group profits. In addition to formally employed individuals in government, parastatal and private sectors, it has made inroads into servicing low to middle-income earners in the private sector. Letshego has further diversified its offering to include an Affordable Housing Solution as well as offering financial assistance to Micro and Small Enterprises. In recent years, Letshego Botswana has been engaged in its Improving Lives Campaign that encourages customers to use their loan proceeds towards productive rather than consumptive lending in order to improve their lives. To access the LetsGo Digital mall visit: